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Historical price from Nov 01, 2024 to Dec 03, 2024

Date Open High Low Close Volume Value (Baht)
Previous 2 weeks
(06/11/2024 to 19/11/2024)
6.18 6.18 5.60 5.75 88,803,277 525,374,820
Previous 4 weeks
(07/10/2024 to 05/11/2024)
6.18 6.28 5.94 6.18 110,476,949 673,173,255
Daily Historical Data
03/12/2024 5.65 5.70 5.55 5.65 18,684,500 105,399,195
02/12/2024 5.65 5.70 5.55 5.65 14,843,144 83,688,565
29/11/2024 5.55 5.65 5.55 5.65 19,050,470 106,714,920
28/11/2024 5.55 5.65 5.50 5.55 12,930,638 71,461,580
27/11/2024 5.55 5.60 5.50 5.50 9,478,199 52,279,905
26/11/2024 5.60 5.60 5.50 5.55 8,428,124 46,846,655
25/11/2024 5.60 5.70 5.55 5.55 9,125,088 51,198,725
22/11/2024 5.65 5.65 5.55 5.60 9,951,268 55,778,150
21/11/2024 5.70 5.70 5.60 5.65 4,558,223 25,704,535
20/11/2024 5.75 5.75 5.65 5.70 6,544,185 37,114,370
19/11/2024 5.70 5.80 5.65 5.75 8,313,839 47,519,935
18/11/2024 5.60 5.80 5.60 5.70 8,547,933 48,615,050
15/11/2024 5.85 5.85 5.65 5.70 9,762,194 56,132,105
14/11/2024 5.95 6.00 5.80 5.85 11,711,101 69,098,105
13/11/2024 5.95 6.00 5.95 6.00 6,255,970 37,414,475
12/11/2024 6.04 6.09 5.94 5.99 10,024,269 60,238,870
11/11/2024 5.99 6.09 5.99 6.04 6,129,242 36,972,475
08/11/2024 6.04 6.04 5.94 5.99 5,653,640 33,901,250
07/11/2024 6.09 6.14 5.94 5.99 14,181,193 85,166,435
06/11/2024 6.18 6.18 6.09 6.09 8,223,896 50,316,120
05/11/2024 6.14 6.18 6.14 6.18 2,839,539 17,456,075
04/11/2024 6.09 6.14 6.04 6.14 5,331,635 32,530,685
01/11/2024 6.04 6.09 5.99 6.09 3,894,842 23,541,680
Remark : Volume from SET main board.